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Lightweight Mg-based composites with thermodynamically stable interfaces by in-situ combustion synthesis

Jo, Ilguk
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Embargo Expires
Lightweight Mg-based composites have been produced by in-situ combustion synthesis of the Al-Ti-C reaction system. The characteristics of the in-situ composites were investigated in terms of phase evolution and interfacial stability using various analysis techniques. The structural analysis results showed that full conversion of the Al-Ti-C reactants into spherical TiC reinforcements with sizes around 1[mu]m was achieved by the combustion reaction. In-situ formed TiC had less oxygen and higher Al contents at the interface than ex-situ formed TiC; these clean interfaces with an Al layer on the reinforcements were shown to yield interfacial stability. For these reasons, the in-situ composites exhibited higher theoretical densities and also good mechanical properties compared with ex-situ produced composites. The interfacial characteristics of molten Mg with the Al-Ti-C reactants and the commercial TiC+Al substrates were evaluated using an infiltration technique under an argon atmosphere. Infiltration length increased with time at temperature, yielding activation energies (Ea) for each system. The value of Ea for the Al-Ti-C system (307.31kJ/mol) is lower than that for the other system (350.84kJ/mol); the high Ea value indicates that the infiltration is not a simple viscosity-controlled phenomenon but involves a chemical reaction. Formation of the Al3Ti phase was observed from the crystal structural analysis of the infiltrated area; thus, existence of reaction promoting the wetting of Mg. The phase evolution, reaction mechanism and kinetics of the Al-Ti-C reaction were studied using DSC and HT-XRD. It was confirmed that, along with the melting of Al, there was formation of Al3Ti by reaction between Al and Ti. A detailed structural analysis indicates that, the reaction mechanism involves melting of Al followed by formation and growth of Al3Ti, which then contacts the graphite powder and initiates the combustion reaction. The effect of important process parameters, such as the Al content and the reactant sizes, on the microstructure of the resulting in-situ composites is discussed. Feasibility and castability of the composites were investigated by high pressure die casting the composite preforms into automotive parts and durability tests were conducted on the cast parts.
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