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Impact of lossy compression errors on passive seismic data analyses

Issah, Abdul Hafiz S.
Martin, Eileen R.
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Research Projects
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Journal Issue
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New technologies such as low-cost nodes and distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) are making it easier to continuously collect broadband, high-density seismic monitoring data. To reduce the time to move data from the field to computing centers, reduce archival requirements, and speed up interactive data analysis and visualization, we are motivated to investigate the use of lossy compression on passive seismic array data. In particular, there is a need to not just quantify the errors in the raw data, but also the characteristics of the spectra of these errors, and the extent to which these errors propagate into results such as detectability and arrival time picks of microseismic events. We compare three types of lossy compression: sparse thresholded wavelet compression, zfp compression, and low-rank singular value decomposition compression. We apply these techniques to compare compression schemes on two publicly available datasets: an urban dark fiber DAS experiment, and a surface DAS array above a geothermal field. We find that depending on the level of compression needed, and the importance of preserving large versus small seismic events, different compression schemes are preferable.
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