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Removing cost from the equation: a framework for assessing OER programs without measuring savings

Farrell, Patrick
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Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
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Cost savings have become a prominent focus of programmatic Open Educational Resources (OER) assessment. While cost savings appear easy to understand, measure, and sell to stakeholders, they belie the breadth of benefits associated with OER and may be based on inaccurate assumptions. A comprehensive approach to assessment is needed to understand the full impact of OER, accurately represent the benefits of OER to stakeholders, and maintain program momentum and sustainability. Libraries and OER share much in common, perhaps most significantly, a foundational purpose of enabling access to information. Librarians are advocates of OER and frequently serve as program administrators. Libraries use evaluation to improve their offerings and sell the value of free goods and services to policymakers and stakeholders. As such, library assessment is well-suited to act as a guide for developing OER program assessment. This paper seeks to provide recommendations for an approach to OER program assessment based on existing OER and library assessment frameworks, with a de-emphasis on cost savings.
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