Developing a quantitative framework for assessing and reporting mining's contributions to sustainable development
Perdeli Demirkan, Cansu
Perdeli Demirkan, Cansu
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Research Projects
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With the establishment of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015, the UN called on the private sector to further engage in responsible business practices to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development and acknowledged the mining industry as one of the leading industries to advance the SDGs. In the past three decades, the mining industry has been making efforts to adopt more sustainable and responsible practices and measure their outcomes in accordance with global and industry sustainability targets. However, evaluating a mining company’s contribution to sustainable development across their operations is challenging because of the varied spatial and temporal scales at which they take place. At the temporal scale, there are significant operational differences between the phases of a mining operation. At the spatial scale, there is significant variation due to the adopted mining method, the size of the operation, the characteristics of the ore body, and the geological and geographical settings. Current sustainability assessment and reporting approaches of mining companies are unable to capture how their contributions to sustainable development change throughout the mining life cycle and across their operations. Thus, there is a disconnect between the reported contributions of mining companies to sustainable development at the corporate level, and the contributions at the site or operation levels.
Better assessment and reporting of the mining industry’s contribution to sustainable development is essential for the mining industry to be able to manage the challenges related to contributions to the SDGs, social license to operate, stakeholder pressure, and becoming greener investments. To do this, sustainability assessment frameworks that capture the spatio-temporal scale of mining operations and that can be applied across different scales is necessary. In an attempt to meet these needs, this research develops an indicator-based quantitative framework for capturing mining’s contributions to sustainable development at three different scales and aligns these contributions to the SDGs. This dissertation composes three research articles which seek to answer the following research questions:
1. What are the trends, strengths, and weaknesses in sustainability reporting of the mining industry? How does sustainability reporting in the mining industry compare to that in the oil and gas industry?
2. How can quantification be used to assess the mining industry’s contributions to sustainable development at different spatial and temporal scales?
3. What indicators relate to the closure/post-closure phase of the mining life cycle? How do different stakeholders prioritize these indicators?
4. What indicators relate to the production phase of the mining life cycle, and specifically for low-carbon haulage technologies?
5. How does the contribution of mining to the SDGs compare for the closure/post-closure and production phases? How does the contribution of mining to the SDGs compare at the operation-, site-, and corporate-levels?
This dissertation informs these questions with three research activities:
An investigation of the baseline of what companies are reporting at the corporate level: This research examines the scope and consistency of sustainability indicators used in the sustainability reports of eight oil and gas and eight mining companies from 2012 to 2018. This research demonstrates that extractive industries’ sustainability reporting practices are not consistent over time and that internal issues are better represented than external issues, in particular transportation and supply chain issues. It identifies the strengths and areas for improvement in sustainability reporting practices of the two industries and aligns the strengths and areas for improvement in terms of demonstrating their contributions to the related SDGs.
An analysis of mining’s contributions to sustainable development at the site level for the closure/post-closure phase: This research uses stakeholder input to evaluate and compare three different repurposing alternatives for the tailings dam area of a mine that is approaching closure. With a primary focus on people, and more specifically the stakeholders, this research examines different stakeholder perspectives on sustainable development in the context of mine closure and repurposing based on environmental, social, and economic sustainability indicators. The research shows which alternative better reflects stakeholder preferences and provides the most sustainable outcome. It contends that integrating stakeholder views into mine closure design and repurposing can lead to more responsible and sustainable mine closure that is unique to a particular setting and stakeholder needs. Applying this methodology also highlights strengths for contributing to the SDGs.
An analysis of mining’s contributions to sustainable development at the operation level for the production phase: Autonomous haulage trucks (AHT) are listed among the top low-carbon strategies by large iron ore companies. This research investigates AHT’s potential for a lower carbon footprint for haulage by proposing an emission estimation methodology based on the Time Usage Model (TUM) and applying it to a surface iron ore mine in Australia. It finds that AHT result in higher overall emissions per ton of material moved compared to their conventional counterparts, while decreasing the emissions generated from non-productive activities, such as through standby or operating delay. It also finds that there is still very limited reporting of Scope 1 emissions at the site-level, and reporting is not transparent in terms of how it relates to specific processes like drilling or hauling. Although this research primarily focuses on the environment, and specifically emissions, it also discusses the broader socio-economic implications of AHT on workers and communities and identifies the related strengths and areas for improvement for the SDGs.
Collectively these studies identify very different focus areas, and hence very different strengths and areas for improvement for contributing to the SDGs for the corporate, site, and operation-levels. This indicates that the varied spatial and temporal scales of mining are complementary to each other in contributing to sustainable development and the SDGs. In tracking and assessing their progress towards achieving the SDGs, mining companies should review the whole system (i.e., the corporate-level) together with its subsystems (i.e., site-level and operation-level). The findings of this dissertation inform a discussion of the usefulness of systems-based methodologies for tracking progress towards sustainable development. By approaching different scales with different assessment methods, this research was able to arrive at a more robust assessment of the mining industry’s contributions to sustainable development.
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