2007-01-032022-02-032007-01-032022-02-03https://hdl.handle.net/11124/7912Dismantling of Cottrell Plant May 12 - 1949--Verso.Date scanned: 2001-03-07.Identifier: NMHFM-76.Related photographs: NMHFM-77, NMHFM-78, NMHFM-79, NMHFM-80, NMHFM-81.Unmounted; text on verso.Held in the National Mining Hall of Fame and Museum.Donor: Ralph M. Parsons Company.Photograph showing workers dismantling the Cottrell Plant in Clarkdale, Arizona in 1949. Clarkdale was a company town located in the Verde Valley, Arizona by the United Verde Copper Company to support the nearby smelter. The Cottrell process collected and extracted metals from smelter fumes. Area mining operations were discontinued in 1953.Rights management statement available at: http://library.mines.edu/digital/rights.htmlMineral processing plantsDismantling of the Cottrell Plant, ArizonaStillImage