Gillette, RobertGillette, Elizabeth2022-07-212022-07-21 June 7 to 9, 1972, at the Cecil H. and Ida Green Graduate and Professional Center, Colorado School of Mines, in Golden, Colorado."The objective of the Conference is to devise ways whereby young people in minority groups may become aware of career potentialities and obtain the training necessary to qualify for positions in earth science and mineral engineering … We regard the conference on minority participation as an immensely important venture and we expect this conference, and the program to follow from it, to have national impact in opening up careers in earth science and mineral engineering to all citizens. It is our earnest hope that these efforts will lead to increasing participation by minorities in all scholarly and professional fields."--from sponsors' introduction to report.conference proceedingsengIn Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Permitted: in science -- CongressesMinorities in engineering -- CongressesEarth scientists -- CongressesMinority scientists -- CongressesReport of the first national conference on minority participation in earth science and mineral engineeringText