McCandless, ElliotCoontz, JasonMaltos, RudyNewhart, KateCath, Tzahi Y.2017-08-052022-02-032017-08-052022-02-03 wastewater treatment systems can serve small communities and supply water suitable for reuse applications such as irrigation. An example of decentralized treatment is a sequencing batch membrane bioreactor (SBMBR), which treats small batches of wastewater and implements membrane filtration as a final treatment step. While treated effluent from the SBMBR is very high quality, high operating costs are a significant drawback. The following study examines energy optimization strategies to reduce operating costs of an SBMBR designed by Aqua- Aerobic Systems that treats water from Mines Park, a student apartment complex affiliated with Colorado School of Mines.postersengCopyright of the original work is retained by the author.Energy optimization strategies in a sequencing batch membrane bioreactorText