Pearce, Clyde M.2007-01-032022-02-032007-01-032022-02-03 scanned: 2002-6-7.USBM #61194; Explosives storage magazine. Granite Supply Company, St. Cloud, Minnesota. Frame building, double walls of 1" boards, 6" sand-filler, 26-gage metal cover. Double doors of 2" plant, both locked; outer door metal-covered. - Clyde M. Pearce - July 1945.Held in the Russell L. and Lyn Wood Mining History Archive, Arthur Lakes Library, Colorado School of Mines.Donor: United States Bureau of Mines.A small explosives magazine is shown surrounded by bushes. A car is in front of the building.Rights management statement available at: Supply CompanyExplosivesVehiclesExplosives magazine, frame building, Granite Supply CompanyStillImage