2007-01-032022-02-032007-01-032022-02-03https://hdl.handle.net/11124/6989The following information applies to the digital image:[Specimen size] "4.0 x 4.1 x 2.6 in."The mineral specimen comes from the Calumet Iron Mine in the Calumet district, Chaffee County, Colorado. The Mine was located in 1880 and operated for iron by the Colorado Fuel & Iron Company from 1881-1889.The mineral specimen comes from the Calumet Iron Mine in the Calumet district, Chaffee County, Colorado. The Mine was located in 1880 and operated for iron by the Colorado Fuel & Iron Company from 1881-1889.Digital image copyright owned by Front Range Minerals, Golden, CO.Mineral and rock specimensUralite (variety of actinolite after pyroxene - probably diopside) with epidote: Colorado, Chaffee County, Calumet Iron MineStillImage