2017-07-202022-02-032017-07-202022-02-031897https://hdl.handle.net/11124/171154Scale 1:8,400. 1 inch = 700 feet.Reverse blueline; on sheet 63 x 93 cm.Includes inset: Section showing elevations along line of Pennsylvania Tunnel.Covers parts of Clear Creek, and Gilpin Counties, Colorado. Covers parts of the Central City quadrangle, Colorado. Commodities mined: gold.63 x 93 cmmine mapsengMines and mineral resources -- Colorado -- Clear Creek County -- MapsMines and mineral resources -- Colorado -- Gilpin County -- MapsMining claims -- Colorado -- Gilpin County -- MapsMining claims -- Colorado -- Clear Creek County -- MapsMap of patented mining claims owned by the Pennsylvania Mining Co. of Colorado in Clear Creek and Gilpin countiesStillImage