2007-01-032022-02-032007-01-032022-02-03https://hdl.handle.net/11124/6941Date scanned: 2002-7-12.USBM #H-77865-P; Figure 1 Surface installations and views. (a) Merriman Dam and partly filled Roundout reservoir below Outlet East Delaware Tunnel; (b) Head frame and yard Shaft #1; (c) Portal, Inlet Tunnel showing nature of rock formations encountered; (d) Downsville Dam construction East Branch Delaware River near Inlet East Delaware Tunnel.Held in the Russell L. and Lyn Wood Mining History Archive, Arthur Lakes Library, Colorado School of Mines.Donor: United States Bureau of Mines.The image shows four views of facilities for New York City's water supply from the Catskill watershed. In 1905 the New York State legislature passed an act allowing the City to acquire lands and build water control structures in the Catskills for its water supply, including the East Delaware Tunnel, West Delaware Tunnel and the Rondout Tunnel (Delaware Aqueduct). The Rondout Reservoir (Rondout Reservoir) was placed into service in 1951 and completed in 1954.Rights management statement available at: http://library.mines.edu/digital/rights.htmlWater supplyNew York City water supply structures, surface installations and viewsStillImage