Cruz, JoseChen, GangOtnes, GauteKendrick, ChitoFurtak, Thomas E.Collins, Reuben T.2007-01-032022-02-032007-01-032022-02-03 global energy demands are satisfied by fossil fuels, environmental sustainability is not possible. Due to a need for clean, renewable energy resources, we explored using inorganic photovoltaics as a primary resources for harvesting solar energy. The research found that Si-QD loading to solar cell materials increased the amount of light absorbed. The research also tested a P3HT solution with Si-QD suspension and found that the addition of Si-QD has practically no effect on the shape of P3HT. It also found that the intensity decreased proportionally with the addition of Si-QDs in DCB.postersengCopyright of the original work is retained by the author.REMRSECOptical spectroscopy of hybrid organic/inorganic solar cell materialsText