2007-01-032022-02-092007-01-032022-02-09https://hdl.handle.net/11124/297Includes charts.These minutes were recorded at the Technical Advisory Committee meetings and include agenda, budget, and technical reports about work performed at Anvil Points.A Technical Advisory Committee was formed by Socony Mobil, ESSO Research and Engineering, and Humble Oil and Refining Co. and meetings were arranged to observe details about the Anvil Points Oil Shale Research Center. Research at Anvil Points was contracted to the Colorado School of Mines Research Foundation. Such Technical Advisory Committee met bimonthly in the offices of the Project Manager in New York City or at such other place designated by the chairman in a notice furnished to members of the Committee. The chairman would promptly call a meeting at any time at the request of the Participating Party. Salaries and expenses of the Technical Advisory Committee were not charged to the research program. Project Manager for the research program is Mobil Oil Corporation, formerly Socony Mobil Oil Company, Inc. Other companies participating in the program are Humble Oil and Refining Company, Continental Oil Company, Sinclair Research, Inc., Pan American Petroleum Corporation, and Phillips Petroleum Company. Each of these companies shared equally in the cost of the project. In addition, all raw data from the project was submitted to the Bureau of Mines of the Department of Interior under the terms of the contract between Department of the Interior and the Colorado School of Mines Research Foundation, Inc. The program manager reported to the regular meetings of the Technical Advisory Committee concerning the progress and results of the research program so that the Technical Advisory Committee would be fully advised on the progress of the program. In addition, the program manager would make additional reports to the Technical Advisory Committee as were necessary to acquaint them of the completion of any significant phase of the research program. The Technical Advisory Committee would then have the responsibility of providing technical advice and recommendations to the Project Manager based upon its continuing review of the program conducted. The Committee would have the right, by unanimous vote, to direct changes, modifications, reductions or expansions of the research program and was binding upon all parties.reportsengIn Copyright (http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC/1.0/).technical and run reportsgas combustion retortAnvil PointsCombustionOil-shalesShale oil technical advisory committee, minutes of the thirteenth meetingText