Murley, J. A., Jr.2020-10-072022-02-032020-10-072022-02-03 from Book 4, Rio Grande Railroad covered album. Caption reads: "3365." Accompanying text reads: "Murley, J. A., Jr. Jan 3, 1947, Belt conveyors Mill. The belt conveyor at lower left of picture is #5 carrying ore from 24" x 48" Buchanan Jaw Crusher, in crushing department, to belt conveyor #6 seen at right center of picture; Belt conveyor #6 feeds the Ty-Rock Screen at top right of picture."Donor: Friends of Mineralogy, Colorado Chapter.Belt conveyor carrying ore coming from the jaw crusher to feed the Ty-Rock Screen, Gilman mill, underground.8 x 10 1/2 inchesblack-and-white photographsUnderground mining -- ColoradoOre handling and transportationMineral processing -- Machinery and equipmentViews -- UndergroundZinc mines and mining -- ColoradoBelt conveyorsBelt conveyors, Gilman millStillImage