Itoh, TakahiroFujimura, NaokiKatou, HitoshiTagata, SatoshiMizuyama, Takahisa2019-08-262022-02-022019-08-262022-02-022019 debris flows have recently taken place frequently in Sakura-jima Island located at southwest in Japan due to rainfall events after ash deposition due to volcanic activities since 2010. Debris-flow measurement system with loadcell and pressure sensor (DFLP) had been applied for debris-flow monitoring (Osaka et al., 2014). In present study, a modified monitoring DELP system using load cells and a stainless-steel plate is employed. Mass density and sediment concentration are calculated using data obtained by the DFLP system and data measured by ultrasonic level meter and surface velocity by of image analyses of CCTV camera. (Results) Temporal changes of specific weight, sediment concentration and sediment volume of debris-flow in Nojiri and Arimura Rivers in 2014 were well measured using DFLP system. Sediment concentration and specific weight were calculated in both rivers, and there are at least 10 data in Arimura River and 8 data in Nojiri River for calculations of temporal changes of mass density and sediment concentration since 2012 and 2014, respectively. Averaged sediment concentration near peak discharge are calculated as 0.441 in Arimura River and 0.279 in Nojiri River, respectively. However, values of calculated concentration do not always take correlation with rainfall depth before debris-flow occurrences. Data analyses continuously need by more data collections of debris- flow events.born digitalproceedings (reports)engCopyright of the original work is retained by the authors.debris flowDFLPSakura-jimaloadcellsediment concentrationspecific weightDebris flow monitoring using load cells and pressure sensors on Sakura-jima IslandText