Petersen, Max S.2007-01-032022-02-032007-01-032022-02-03 scanned: 2002-6-21.O-97-C; 16-foot posts and 10-foot caps in top-slice. (Miner has finished loading the top round from the staging.) Godfrey Mine, Oliver Iron Mining Company, Hibbing, Minnesota (Hibbing-Chisholm District) - M. S. Petersen - June 1946.Held in the Russell L. and Lyn Wood Mining History Archive, Arthur Lakes Library, Colorado School of Mines.Donor: United States Bureau of Mines.Two miners work at timbering underground at the Godfrey Mine. The Godfrey Mine was an underground iron mine with some open pit workings in the Mesabi Range, St. Louis County, Minnesota. The Godfrey includes the former Wellington Mine and ore from several other mines hoisted through the Godfrey shaft. The Mine was opened in 1926 and operated into the 1950s by the Oliver Iron Mining Company.Rights management statement available at: Iron Mining CompanyIron mines and miningMine timberingMinersScenes, undergroundUnderground miningGodfrey Mine, miners timberingStillImage