Stott, Roy G.2007-01-032022-02-032007-01-032022-02-03; View of change house - taken from highway. Eureka Mine, Castile Mining Company, Ramsay, Michigan. - R. G. Stott - March 1947.Date scanned: 2002-6-12.Held in the Russell L. and Lyn Wood Mining History Archive, Arthur Lakes Library, Colorado School of Mines.Donor: United States Bureau of Mines.The Eureka Mine was an underground iron mine near Ramsey, Michigan in the Gogebic Range. The Mine opened in 1890. It was consolidated with the Asteroid Mine in 1926 and other properties were added later. The Eureka deposits were exhausted in 1950 and the mine workings used for production from an adjacent operation. The Eureka-Asteroid Mine was operated by the Castile Mining Company.Rights management statement available at: Mining CompanyIron mines and miningMine buildingsScenes, snowUnderground miningEureka Mine buildings and head frameStillImage