2007-01-032022-02-032007-01-032022-02-03https://hdl.handle.net/11124/10463Captain Jack Mill. March 1981 Print made by Pako.Date scanned: 2001-09-01.Identifier: NMHFM-652.Related photographs: NMHFM-650, NMHFM-651, NMHFM-653, NMHFM-661, NMHFM-663, NMHFM-664, NMHFM-665, NMHFM-666.Unmounted; text on verso.Held in the National Mining Hall of Fame and Museum.This is the site a mill operated by the Big Five Mining Company in the early 1890s to process ores from the mines in the Lefthand Creek area near Ward. The area of Lefthand Creek in the Ward district, Boulder County, Colorado, was one of the region's richest gold and silver producers by 1870. The Black Jack (Captain Jack) Mine in this area was operated intermittently starting in 1917. The company Captain Jack, Ltd. acquired possession of the mill works area for a local mill operation in 1974. Contamination from the Captain Jack and nearby mine and mill areas was found to threaten drinking water supplies in the late 1990s. The area around the Big Five Mine tunnel, mill, and Captain Jack Mine was designated as a Superfund hazardous waste site in 2003.Rights management statement available at: http://library.mines.edu/digital/rights.htmlOre processing plantsCaptain Jack Mill buildingStillImage