Williams, M. L.2007-01-032022-02-032007-01-032022-02-03http://hdl.handle.net/11124/6336Date scanned: 2002-6-7.USBM #61072; Fireproof oil house. Dakota Star Mine, Truax-Traer Coal Company, Truax, North Dakota. - M. L. Williams - July 1945.Held in the Russell L. and Lyn Wood Mining History Archive, Arthur Lakes Library, Colorado School of Mines.Donor: United States Bureau of Mines.The Dakota Star strip coal mine near Hazen, North Dakota, covered about 1,800 acres and produced over seven million tons of lignite coal. It was operated by Truax-Traer Coal Company and successors from 1945 to 1966. Mitigation of several hazardous features of the Mine was completed in 1995.Rights management statement available at: http://library.mines.edu/digital/rights.htmlTruax-Traer Coal CompanyMine buildingsCoal mines and miningStrip miningDakota Star Mine, fireproof oil houseStillImage