Mishra, BrajendraOlson, D. L. (David LeRoy)AlAbbas, Faisal Mohammed2007-01-032022-02-092007-01-032022-02-092013https://hdl.handle.net/11124/794042013 Spring.Includes illustrations (some color).Includes bibliographical references.During oil and gas operations, pipeline networks are subjected to different corrosion deterioration mechanisms that result from the interaction between the fluid process and the linepipe steel. Among these mechanisms is microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC) that results from accelerated deterioration caused by different indigenous microorganisms that naturally reside in the hydrocarbon and associated seawater injection systems. The focus of this research is to obtain comprehensive understanding of MIC. This work has explored the most essential elements (identifications, implications and mitigations) required to fully understand MIC. Advanced molecular-based techniques, including sequencing of 16S rRNA genes via 454 pyrosequencing methodologies, were deployed to provide in-depth understanding of the microbial diversity associated with crude oil and seawater injection systems and their relevant impact on MIC. Key microbes including sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB) and iron reducing bacteria (IRB) were cultivated from sour oil well field samples. The microbes' phylotypes were identified in the laboratory to gain more thorough understanding of how they impact microbial corrosion. Electrochemical and advanced surface analytical techniques were used for corrosion evaluations of linepipe carbon steels (API 5L X52 and X80) under different exposure conditions. On the identification front, 454 pyrosequencing of both 16S rRNA genes indicated that the microbial communities in the corrosion products obtained from the sour oil pipeline, sweet crude pipeline and seawater pipeline were dominated by bacteria, though archaeal sequences (predominately Methanobacteriaceae and Methanomicrobiaceae) were also identified in the sweet and sour crude oil samples, respectively. The dominant bacterial phylotypes in the sour crude sample included members of the Thermoanaerobacterales, Synergistales, and Syntrophobacterales. In the sweet crude sample, the dominant phylotypes included members of Halothiobacillaceae. In the seawater injection sample, the dominant bacterial phylotypes included members of the Rhodobacterales, Flavobacteriales and Oceanospirillales. Interestingly, common bacterial phylotypes that are related to Thermotogaceae were identified in all investigated samples. The impact of the identified microbial communities on MIC of pipeline system was presented. On the implications front, the influence of field SRB (Desulfomicrobium sp. and Clostridiales.) on the corrosion process was complex. The bacterial activities, metabolic reactions and by-products contributed to the corrosion process. Based on the observations and results, corrosion involves multiple synergistic mechanisms. The MIC vulnerability of X52 was higher than X80 due to microstructural effects. On the other hand, the field IRB consortium (Shewanella oneidensis sp. and Brevibacillus sp.) exhibited inhibitory action on the corrosion process. The maximum corrosion rate was ~4 mpy in the biotic system and ~18 mpy in the abiotic system. Corrosion mechanisms were proposed to explain the protective behavior of the IRB consortium. On the special effects front, the influence of remnant magnetic fields (3000 Gauss strength) on MIC by a SRB consortium was investigated. The results confirm substantial increases of bacteria cell attachment, biofilm mass, corrosion and pitting penetration rates under magnetized biotic compared to nonmagnetized biotic conditions. The significant enhancement of MIC under magnetized biotic conditions has been attributed to the synergetic interaction between SRB cells and associated metabolic products with magnetic fields. The effect of magnetic fields on the thermodynamics and kinetics of the bacterial cell attachment and the electrochemical process has been presented. On the mitigation front, this work presented a pioneer study on the inhibition effects of azadirachtin (Neem) extracts of SRB influenced corrosion. The results revealed that Neem extracts reduced the biocorrosion rate by approximately 50%. Neem significantly reduced the contribution of SRB in the corrosion process by minimizing the growth of cells, which subsequently suppressed the production of sulfide, density of sessile cells and development of biofilm. Moreover, the Neem extracts might provide an organic coating that protects the surface against the medium. The work provided by this research will expand the MIC knowledge within the oil and gas industry and will improve monitoring and prevention strategies and direct future research of MIC-related issues, such as microbial injection inhibitors aided with magnetic fields applications and environmentally friendly biocides.born digitaldoctoral dissertationsengCopyright of the original work is retained by the author.microbiologically influenced corrosionpipelinesulfate reducing bacteriairon reducing bacteriacarbon steel (API 5L)16S rRNA genesMicrobiologically influenced corrosionPipelines -- CorrosionSulfate-reducing bacteriaSteelNeemInvestigation of microbial diversity in crude oil and seawater injection systems and microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC) of linepipe steels under different exposure conditions, AnText