Thiry, Christopher J.J.2017-01-202022-02-032017-01-202022-02-032015-10 file includes: dbf, sbn, sbx, cpg, prj, shp, shp (xml), and shx files.Created October 2015This GIS shapefile contains the index to paper 1:50,000 topographic maps of Uganda. The original paper maps were produced by Uganda Lands and Surveys Department, and the Great Britain, Directorate of Overseas Surveys, starting in 1952. The set numbers for the maps are alterniatively designated as Y732, DOS 426, or DCS 26. The GIS shapefile was made using ArcGIS for Desktop 10.3. The footprints were created using the fishnet tool, and data supplied by Colorado School of Mines, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee American Geographic Society Library (AGSL) . After the footprints were created, the shapefile was trimmed and labeled according to the sources.engThese files are open access and distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike International License ( mapsindex mapsGIS shapefile of the index to the paper 1:50,000 topographic maps of UgandaDataset