2007-01-032022-02-032007-01-032022-02-03https://hdl.handle.net/11124/10091Hangmans tree Maysville, Colo. Justice swift and sure for bad men a timely cure.Date scanned: 2000-10-26.Identifier: SC914.Unmounted; text on front.Held in the Russell L. and Lyn Wood Mining History Archive, Arthur Lakes Library, Colorado School of Mines.A prospector and his burro at the hanging tree near Maysville, Colorado (image of prospector and burro pasted into photograph; hanged men drawn into photograph). The caption on photograph NMHFM-231 identifies the prospector as Frank Gimlet (aka Frank E. Gimlett), the hermit of Arbor Villa (i.e. Arbourville). This is a representation of a double hanging held on the site in 1883. Dennis Haggerty and Henry Dowling robbed James Lynn of $32.00 and a silver watch and left him for dead. Haggerty and Dowling were captured a short time later in Maysville and identified by Lynn before he did die. A mob of masked men broke into the jail, took the prisoners to a pine tree behind the church, and hanged them.Rights management statement available at: http://library.mines.edu/digital/rights.htmlGimlett, Frank E., 1865-1952Animals, packPeopleHangman's tree, Maysville, ColoradoStillImage