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U-Pb geochronology of detrital, inherited, and igneous zircon from the Triassic Eurydice formation and underlying basement, offshore southeast Nova Scotia, Canada

Germain, Rémi
Research Projects
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Journal Issue
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The purpose of this study was to determine the provenance of the Late Triassic syn-rift sedimentary rocks of the Eurydice Formation, part of the Mesozoic–Cenozoic Scotian Basin, and the metasedimentary and plutonic rocks forming its underlying basement, offshore southeast Nova Scotia. During the Paleozoic, the accretion of multiple exotic terranes to Laurentia was followed by the collision with Gondwana and the formation of Pangea. These events led to the formation of the Appalachians. The Meguma terrane of Nova Scotia, Canada, was the last exotic terrane to collide with composite eastern Laurentia. It consists of latest Ediacaran–Devonian metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks and Devonian–Carboniferous plutonic rocks. The Eurydice Formation is the oldest sedimentary unit in the Scotian Basin, deposited during the Triassic breakup of Pangea. The nature of the underlying basement has been previously inferred from petrographic, geochemical, and geophysical evidence, but provenance study is key to identify the basement. U-Pb LA-ICPMS zircon geochronology was carried out on 22 rock samples collected from historic petroleum exploration wells in offshore Nova Scotia and was supported by optical microscopy and automated mineralogy. Detrital zircon analyses from five late Ediacaran or younger metasedimentary rocks revealed mid-Paleoproterozoic and/or Cryogenian–Ediacaran populations, consistent with signatures observed in exposed portions of the Meguma terrane on land. Three granitoid rock samples yielded Late Devonian to early Carboniferous crystallization ages, consistent with mid-Paleozoic syn- to post-tectonic peraluminous granitic plutons of the Meguma terrane on land. A granodiorite, with a previously reported whole-rock eNd(370Ma) value of ~ -13, yielded a ~573 Ma crystallization age, predating the deposition of the sedimentary and volcanic rocks of the Meguma terrane. This age is consistent with Pan-African high-K calc-alkaline post-collisional plutonism in Northwest Africa, suggesting a potential genetic link. Significant mid-Paleoproterozoic, Ediacaran, and Late Devonian detrital zircon populations in rock samples from the Eurydice Formation suggest local sources from the metasedimentary Meguma Supergroup and from Late Devonian felsic/intermediate plutonic rocks. Notably, an absence of zircon from the rift-related volcanics of the Silurian White Rock Formation of northwest Nova Scotia is observed. These results support the previous interpretation that the Meguma terrane extends to the southeast in offshore Nova Scotia and has a Northwest African origin. Furthermore, zircon grains of the rift-related volcanic rocks of the White Rock Formation are absent southeast of Nova Scotia, suggesting that these rocks are probably not related to the rifting between the Meguma terrane and Gondwana, but between the Meguma terrane and an outboard terrane.
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