Controlled spalling in (100)-oriented germanium by electroplating
Crouse, Dustin Ray
Crouse, Dustin Ray
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This work investigates controlled spalling as a method to exfoliate thin films of various thickness from rigid, crystalline germanium (Ge) substrates and to enable substrate reuse for III-V single junction photovoltaic devices. Technological limitations impeding wide-spread adoption of flexible electronics and high-material-cost photovoltaic devices have motivated significant interest in a method to remove devices from their substrates. DC magnetron sputtering has been previously utilized to remove semiconductor devices of various thicknesses from Ge substrates, but this method is expensive and time-consuming. Controlled spalling via high-speed electrodeposition is a fast, inexpensive exfoliation method that utilizes a tensile-stressed metal layer deposited on a (100)-oriented Ge substrate and an external force to mechanically propagate a crack parallel to the surface at a desired depth in the substrate material. Suo and Hutchinson’s quantitative models describe critical combinations of film thickness and strain mismatch between a film and substrate at which a stressed bilayer system spontaneously spalls; however, fine control over a wide steady-state spall depth range has been limited by the ability to experimentally tailor strain mismatch caused by residual stress within deposited stressor layers. This work investigates the effect of tuning electroplating current density and electrolyte chemistry on the residual stress in a nickel stressor film and their impact on the achievable spall depth range. Steady-state spall depth is found to increase with increasing stressor layer thickness and decrease with increasing residual stress. By tailoring residual stress through adjusting plating conditions and the electrolyte’s phosphorous concentration, wide control over spall depth within Ge substrates from sub-micron to ~76µm-thicknesses were achieved. To assess the viability of utilizing controlled spalling for substrate reuse, this dissertation demonstrates the first III-V solar cells (GaInAsP, Eg~1.7 eV) grown directly on a spalled-Ge substrate without any additional surface preparation. Widespread adoption of high-efficiency III-V solar cells has been limited by expensive deposition processes and high material cost of substrates. Substrate reuse offers a promising route towards enabling III-V devices to become cost-competitive for one-sun terrestrial applications. In this study, the quality of spalled Ge surfaces is characterized to assess lattice matching capability between the device layer materials and the substrate. GaAs films grown on spalled Ge substrates by hydride vapor phase epitaxy were single-crystal in nature. III-V solar cells grown on spalled and pristine Ge substrates show nearly equivalent efficiency of ~8%, despite the roughness of the spalled-Ge substrate. Principles of fractography were used to deduce that surface roughness originated from non-uniform crack propagation and mixed-mode loading during the spalling process.
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