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Method for predicting debris-flow occurrence based on a rainfall and sediment runoff model, A

Fujita, Masaharu
Yamanoi, Kazuki
Suzuki, Gohta
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Embargo Expires
Based on a basin scale rainfall runoff model, we proposed a prediction method of debris-flow occurrence on steep mountain slopes related to hydrological processes such as the rainfall infiltration, the surface flow and the slope stability. For example, in one case that the soil layer is unsaturated and a landslide does not occur in the slope even though the groundwater level rises in the slope soil layer during a rainfall event, it is unlikely for a debris flow to occur on the slope. However, if the soil layer is more unstable due to fully saturation and a surface flow also takes place on the slope, the possibility of debris-flow occurrence gets much higher. According to such a consideration, the slope conditions on hydrological processes during heavy rainfalls were classified into six patterns. For these patterns, the possibility of debris-flow occurrence was investigated qualitatively. Then, SiMHiS (Storm Induced Multi-Hazards Information Simulator) by Yamanoi and Fujita was employed as a rainfall runoff model. A slope stability model has been already installed in SiMHiS. Therefore, this model can simulate the time variations of the safety factors for landslides as well as the saturation degrees and the hydrographs of the surface flow for the slopes. SiMHiS was applied to the sediment disasters due to a heavy rainfall in July 2017 in the Akatani river basin to examine the occurrence patterns of debris flow. Also, the differences in the occurrence patterns were shown for other two rainfall events. Using the simulation result on the safety factor, the saturation degree and the surface flow discharge, it was noted whether debris flows took place or not, and the debris-flow occurrence patterns on the slopes in the basin could be identified.
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