Fundamental investigation of the high temperature oxidation of gold ores that contain sulfides and carbonaceous materials, A
Friesinger, John W.
Friesinger, John W.
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Journal Issue
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As the dollar value per ounce of gold has hit a downward trend in the last few years, there is more pressure within a gold operation to reach the highest percent recovery, no matter what kind of ore is presented for treatment. For double refractory gold ores, the most crucial unit operation is performed by the roaster by creating a high temperature oxidation of the ore. An efficient roasting operation creates a leachable ore in the next unit operation by extracting gold in an aqueous solution. A fundamental knowledge of how particular ores behave in this oxidation step is crucial to the overall understanding of a large scale roasting operation. This thesis has focused on the fundamental chemical aspects of three different ore stockpiles from a gold roasting operation by determining how each responds to batch roasting in a laboratory tube furnace. Fundamental aspects evaluated in this project will be mineralogical phases before and after roasting using XRD and MLA, surface area before and after by BET, and chemical analyses including: sulfur and carbon analysis, cyanide solubility and chemical compounds at different roast temperatures.
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