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Design of a variable pressure flow reactor and investigation of C2-C7 alkane pyrolysis at high conversion and high pressure, The

Saldana, Mario H.
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Embargo Expires
Coking has deleterious effects on solid-oxide fuel cells, internal combustion engines and the petrochemical industry. An understanding of the chemistry that leads to coking is accomplished by developing and validating robust chemical kinetic mechanisms. The approach for this study was to experimentally study alkane pyrolysis in a newly designed variable pressure flow reactor that is capable of reaching temperature of 1373 K at 1.0 MPa and 1073 K at 4.0 MPa. Ethane, n-pentane, n-hexane and n-heptane were studied over a temperature range of 923 - 1073 K, a pressure range of 0.1 - 4.0 MPa and residence times ranging from 20 ms - 40 seconds. For all alkanes tested an increase in pressure led to longer times for fuel conversion and an increase in the production of C3+ olefins, alkanes and aromatics. The increase in pressure also inhibited the production of ethylene, acetylene, propadiene and 1,3 butadiene. Ethane pyrolysis was the most sensitive to pressure. The experimental data was compared to several chemical kinetic mechanisms to assess the validity of the models. Additionally the mechanisms were used to carry out a sensitivity and rate of production analysis to identify the dominant chemistry. The analysis of the reaction pathways signaled that much of the pressure dependence observed was due to ethyl. At 2 MPa bimolecular reactions involving ethyl became more dominant; the unimolecular decomposition of ethyl was inhibited, which led to a reduction in H-atoms. The experimental data helped to identify the regimes at which aromatics form for alkane pyrolysis. With this knowledge it is possible to identify under which time scales a process using alkanes can run at without leading to deleterious coke deposits.
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