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Agenda for technical observers meeting, July 6 and 7, 1967

Mobil Oil Corporation
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Embargo Expires
Project Manager for the research program is Mobil Oil Corporation, formerly Socony Mobil Oil Company, Inc. Other companies participating in the program are Humble Oil and Refining Company, Continental Oil Company, Sinclair Research, Inc., Pan American Petroleum Corporation and Phillips Petroleum Company. Each of these companies shares equally in the cost of the project. In addition, all raw data from the project is submitted to the Bureau of Mines of the Department of Interior under the terms of the contract between Department of the Interior and the Colorado School of Mines Research Foundation, Inc. Participants in the Technical Observers are Pan American Petroleum Corporation, Sinclair Research, Inc., Sinclair Oil and Gas Company, Socony Mobil Oil Company, Inc., Continental Oil Company, Phillips Petroleum Company, Humble Oil and Refining Company, and Esso Research and Engineering Company. From the Lease Agreement between the United States of America and Colorado School of Mines Research Foundation, Inc. of the Anvil Points Experimental and Demonstration Facilities near Rifle, Colorado, Appendix I: 3.01: Confidentiality; Publication states: The Bureau of Mines shall have the right to station observers at the Anvil Points Facilities in reasonable numbers, which observers shall have the right to inspect and observe the work under the Initial Program. The observers shall abide by the safety rules and regulations established for employees at the Anvil Points Facilities, and their activities shall not interfere with operations at the Anvil Points Facilities. To facilitate the Technical Observers they will receive copies of the Monthly Process Memorandum. Technical Observers received general review and alignment of subsequent sessions, corrosion program requirements and scope, engineering and economic analyses, optimum maximum shale size and number of feed fractions, retort studies, crushing studies, shale size-rate studies, Retort No. 2 operability, bench scale studies, future plans, mechanical engineering, analytical laboratory, mining studies, mine development, mining research, mechanical model studies, basic mist flow in piping, design of 100 ton bin, retort shale flow and bayonet length, Stage II rehabilitation, inspection Retort No. 3, and review.
Associated Publications
In Copyright (http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC/1.0/).
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