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Advanced platform for development and evaluation of grid interconnection systems using hardware-in-the-loop, An

Lundstrom, Blake R.
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Embargo Expires
The recently highlighted vulnerabilities, environmental effects, and critically aging status of the North American Electric Power System (EPS) are fueling a shift towards a power system paradigm that more fully leverages Distributed Resources (DRs). In order to support and accelerate DR grid integration, methods to rapidly evaluate DRs against existing grid interconnection standards and assess advanced DRs integrated in complex EPS scenarios are needed. This thesis develops a novel solution for rapid evaluation of DR grid interconnection standard conformance that uses a real-time simulator and a single graphical user interface to automate the time-consuming process required for the many repeated conformance tests of IEEE Std 1547.1. A method for evaluating advanced DR grid integration scenarios using Power Hardware-in-the-Loop (PHIL) is presented. The results from a novel demonstration of a DR grid integration scenario using both PHIL-based and hardware-only approaches are presented, establishing the utility and validity of the PHIL method.
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