Reuleaux 2019

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  • Publication
    Exploring fractional derivatives and trig functions
    (Colorado School of Mines. Arthur Lakes Library) Reeder, Leah; Ahrendt, Kevin
    The objective of this research is to become familiar with fractional discrete calculus to the extent that fractional derivatives of discrete trigonometric functions can be taken and understood.
  • Publication
    Evaluating eribulin's ability to produce a cytokine immune response in lung cancer
    (Colorado School of Mines. Arthur Lakes Library) Hinkle, Wyatt A.; Hinz, Trista K.; Gurulé, Natalia J.; Heasley, Lynn E.
    This study aims to examine the ability of Eribulin, a non-taxane microtubule inhibitor, to induce a cytokine immune response similar to that of targeted TKI's in lung cancer cell lines, and furthermore to characterize the cytokine response to general growth arrest therapies compared to specific targeted protein kinase inhibitors such as TKI's.
  • Publication
    Meet the editors
    (Colorado School of Mines. Arthur Lakes Library)
    The editors are Tyler Pritchard, Editor in Chief, Wyatt Hinkle, Graphic Design Editor, Taylor Self, Technical Sciences Article Editor, James Talbot, Social Sciences Article Editor, McKenna Larson, Content Editor, and Austin Monaghan, Language Editor.
  • Publication
    Evaluation of the Paris Agreement from a realist and liberalist perspective
    (Colorado School of Mines. Arthur Lakes Library) Roth, Kevin
    One of the greatest questions in international relations is how states can work together towards common goals despite having competing interests. This issue is central to the international effort to mitigate climate change. To this date, 185 parties have ratified the Paris Agreement to limit the rise in global temperatures to 1.5 to 2 degrees Celsius. Although this agreement has so far received widespread international support, implementation has proven difficult.
  • Publication
    Laboratory spotlight CFCC
    (Colorado School of Mines. Arthur Lakes Library)
    The Colorado Fuel Cell Center (CFCC) is a laboratory on the Colorado School of Mines campus that specializes in the analysis and development of fuel cell systems.
  • Publication
    Demons of Los Alamos, The
    (Colorado School of Mines. Arthur Lakes Library) Marchando, Sydney
    The story of Louis Slotin and the Demon Core, for example, is one narrative from the Manhattan Project that has only just reemerged. Recently, enough information from a variety of sources has allowed a more detailed picture of Louis Slotin to develop, highlighting not only his contributions to the Manhattan Project but also his character and the human faults that led to his fatal accident.
  • Publication
    Preliminary modeling evaluation of water ice extraction from lunar permanently shadowed craters by direct heating of icy regolith
    (Colorado School of Mines. Arthur Lakes Library) Machnik, Daniela; Zerpa, Luis
    This work sets the foundation for preliminary modeling of water ice extraction from lunar permanently shadowed craters. Analysis of the research results indicates that (1) favorable phase changes at low temperatures and pressures (though not in-situ conditions) occur and lead to the upward migration of water vapor through the regolith and out of the crater surface, (2) the appearance of the liquid phase significantly reduces the timesteps in the simulation and limits predictive modeling capabilities, (3) adjusting the reservoir model to true lunar conditions requires specific modification of the Fortran base code of TOUGH+, (4) the lack of a void-like phase prevents realistic modeling of mass and energy balance in lunar permanently shadowed craters, (5) a stepwise heat source may yield greater water production for deeper ice reservoirs than a single heat element. The reservoir simulation investigated phase saturation changes of water iced buried in lunar regolith over a three-day period from a 25 W continuous heat source.
  • Publication
    Three years in the CFCC: the story of Marcos Hernandez
    (Colorado School of Mines. Arthur Lakes Library) Hernandez, Marcos
    While the promise of flow batteries continues to grow, they, as with all types of batteries, exhibit issues with performance degradation. I am working to understand and solve these degradation problems.
  • Publication
    Faculty spotlight Dr. Jeffrey King
    (Colorado School of Mines. Arthur Lakes Library)
    Dr. Jeffrey King, of the Materials and Metallurgical Engineering (MME) department, is currently working on research with undergraduates and graduate students in the Nuclear Program at Mines.
  • Publication
    Laboratory spotlight Carreon lab
    (Colorado School of Mines. Arthur Lakes Library)
    Here at the Carreon lab in Chemical Engineering, our research is focused on the development and application of functional porous materials on the nanoscale.
  • Publication
    Reuleaux, volume 1, issue 1, 2019
    (Colorado School of Mines. Arthur Lakes Library) Colorado School of Mines. McBride Honors Program